Sunday 18 April 2010

Graphic Moments

The short film previously entitled Dead Rabbits has entered the final leg of possible funding. A final development draft was pushed off into the ether on the friday just gone. I have to say I'm happy with it. Its good, its depressing, its pretty horrible and made more so by some beautiful little moments that stick in your head due to the emotions they stir up, and the fact that those moments are then crapped all over by something nasty. I love the fact that rereading the script left me with a nasty taste in my mouth.

So, yeah, script is done for now and handed in. It's new name is Ella, written by myself and Dan Gitsham, its about a family unit that has completely broken down, and the father, feeling guilt over his inaction to prevent this brake down from occuring goes out to fix it once and for all.

A while back I began writing up many of the loose ideas that Dan and I had discussed into a graphic novel. I loved the ideas we had and thought they could work, if nowhere else, as a graphic novel. And they are working very well indeed. I am currently rewriting the first 40 pages, shifting the tone and focus a little more towards the ideas of the short film and mixing in the rather nastier ideas of the graphic novel. The graphic, while still following the short film about being a family breaking down, the story here looks at the reasons why this has happened and why the father takes so long to react to it, it looks at the relationships behind the breakdown and shows the cracking of their lives. Arthur Miller, the father in the graphic novel is the main character and we follow him on a journey that takes him full circle where he must confront his demons and understand why he is the way he is.

Its pretty bleak, and pretty harsh, but is very cool. Its something new for me to be writing. Horror that is. I have never really tackled horror as full on as this (both short film and graphic) and why I am finding it so interestingand fun to write is the understanding of where the horror comes from. Many times in the past I have thought, 'right, lets create a horror, lets write something horrific and nasty' and i always found them falling flat, or I would get bored, and thats because I approached it all wrong. This short and graphic can be seen as a horror, but can be seen as other things as well. Its a horror due to the situations the characters fall in, its a horror because it plays on your fears, its a horror because it goes to some dark fucking places and makes you question yourself and your feelings, it makes you think what would you do if you were in this place.

If all things work out, this could be something of a huge stepping stone for my writing, funding on a short film will be out of this world, it will be amazing, and if the graphic novel people dig the script i am writing and the prospect of having a book out there with a disc strapped to it containing a fucking awesomely written and directed short film... well... fucking ace!

NO LIFE.....

The Box... Just watched this the other night on bluray, looked amazing, but more importantly, was fucking amazing. I love Richard Kelly's work, Donnie Darko is flawless, Southland Tales is brilliant and underrated and misunderstood... but The Box, possibly his best so far, weird, tense, paranoid madness awaits. I loved it!

Sons of Anarchy... I miss The Shield since it finished so amazingly afew years ago now, and now I have found its replacement. BIker gangs, Hellboy, violence, and some truly brilliant writing... Everything The Shield was but with bikes in it.

Dr. Who... New Who is pretty good. Like Matt Smith, love Karen Gillan, loved the opener of the season, but is slowly making me loose interest again.... hmmmm...

Shuddertown... Awesome new comic from IMAGE.

Nemesis... Makes Kick Ass look like shit. So it says on the cover. Miller's new book is great and so far a little bit more fun than Kick Ass.

The Sword... One more issue to go... one hell of a rug pull at the end of 23... cannot wait!

LOST... Nearly finished and I am very sad.Don't want it to end, but I am loving the game changing madness of the last few episodes. THE BEST THING ON TV!