Sunday 13 June 2010


It's a sunday and I have a horrible ear ache.

There is some tossbag outside blowing what sounds like a trumpet at random intervals. It kinda sounds like some strange mating ritual between elephants, or cows, or rhinos, or Lions? Or ducks? I don't know, sounds fucked.

Ella... or as it may now go back to being called Dead Rabbits is nearing its shoot date.We are currently casting at the moment, I say we, I'm at home right now while Dan and Sophie audition people and scout for locations. I've just finsihed the lastest revised draft of Ella as we try and get it perfect for a shooting script. Its going good. Its going well. I just can't wait to see this thing become life. Its very exciting.

Darkness Rising... or Dark as it is now called. Managed to write about seven pages today, introduced the big bad in the form of Michael Elliot, evil doctor, complete nut case, but I have tried to approach it differently from the millions of drafts that I have tackled in the past. This is the second draft that I am looking at currently, trying to make it a workable script that I love and want others to love.

But I think I am done for today.

Alan Wake awaits.