Sunday 18 December 2011

The World is My Oyster

So... 2011 is falling into the past. This shall be my last post of the year. Crazy year. Draining year. But a good year, almost. Had its ups and downs as do most, but certainly was a year of learning.

Powerless is still unfinished and will be completed in 2012. I don't want to rush it, i don;t want to finish it just to finish it. It has to be perfect. Perfection is a hard to thing to come by when you work five out of seven days a week. Leaves you two days to chill out, clean the house and do various other dull domestic things that need to be done, and... if you are lucky, spend some time with your lady. But... Powerless will be done. It will be a calling card. Its what I love, it has everything I love in it and everything I have ever dreamt of doing... ie, being a superhero, have a secret identity, having a calling greater than you could ever understand. So i am writing the hell out of it and will continue to do so until its perfect. Annoyingly i was hoping to get it in to the Red Planet Prize this year, and despite it being later this year and the deadline being mid January... I can't. I mean, I could submit, i have ten opening pages that i am really proud of, but like last year, they may want the rest of the script and... well i kinda dropped the ball last year and rushed an ending that fudged the rest of the script up. So, lesson learnt.

So, while Powerless gets completed over a period of time I am going to be developing a few other ideas. RUSSIA is an idea I have been playing with for a few months now and will attempt to geta treatment put together and eventually woe a local artist with its merits, but it is very high concept. And after chatting with him, i think we both need to leave high concept on the back burner. Instead we have found common ground on collaborating on something a little more fun. I'm putting some ideas together as you read this for talk in the new year. I really hope this comes about and comes together as planned. Think Regular Show meets Twin Peaks. Thats what is in my head at the moment.

Ella news.

Upcoming screenings are as follows.

London Short Film Festival 2012
January 2012
Tickets and Info

Looks ace. TIckets are resonable and Ella is eligable for the Popcorn Horror award.
Here is what its all about...

The classic scary story with a twist in the tale was a staple of 1970s television; a ghost story, a vampire story, a twisted story, a story set in a not-too-distant future. This varied selection brings together a few jumps and bumps, including an adaptation of Stephen King’s short story Mute. Also includes Paul Kaye as a mysterious kidnapper in Straight Way Lost, and Buffy’s Anthony Head as a grieving father in Ella.

Prague Short Film Festival 2012
18th- 20thJanuary 2012


Again, looks ace. Dan always enters shorts into awesome looking festivals. Will update with any info that appears on both of these festivals.


FIlm of the year...Black Swan/Kill List/Adventures of Tintin/Rise of The Planet of The Apes...
Album of the year... Bon Ivor
Comic of the year... Who is Jake Ellis?/DC's New 52 (pretty much all of them)
TV of the year... Fringe season 4/Bored to Death season 2/Black Mirror/Alphas/Walking Dead season 2
Book of the year... When God Was a Rabbit/The Marriage Plot/Skippy Dies

Next year... Stuff I'm excited about

Film... The Dark Knight Rises/Avengers/New PT Anderson???
TV... Alcatraz/Fringe Season 4/Mad Men season 5/Walking Dead season 2
Comics... Everything on my pull list!
Books... The Art of Fielding/The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry/The Land of Decoration

Happy Christmas/Happy New Year/Goodbye/Namaste