Sunday 26 February 2012


Happy New Year.

Yeah. Late. Nevermind.

New year, new focus. Proper focus. Two things.Two main things.

Powerless is about half way complete and probably will take most of the year to fine tune before anything happens with it. Its not a bad thing, no point in rushing these things. If I didn't have to work then all would be different. But Powerless needs to be perfect. Its my thing, my passion and I need to get it right, i need to get it down right.

I read a blog by the writer of Death in Paradise, BBC crime drama I had no interest in watching and never actually watched. But the writer is interesting because he won the Red Planet prize, something I have entered a couple of times and gotten fairly far into the process only to be let down by a rushed finished script. Anyway, his blog about how he got started with this whole thing is very interesting. He wrote that you should write what you know. However obvious that maybe, for some reason, when I used to hear that I always thought that meant, what I knew from a day to day kind of thing. Stupid right? Well, not really. But what this writer knew was crime drama. He loved it, he was obsessed with it, read it, watched it, loved it.

So as you know I'm writing Powerless, about a guy with powers. Its a love letter to comics, its a wishfullfillment thing, its a what would i have done with powers in a certain situation. Comics, superheroes... its what I know, so i am gonna write the hell out of it.

This writer dude, also went on to say that because he loved this stuff so much, he would write something thatwas original, that no one else had ever seen, that no one else could write. Now, the whole originiallity thing... cop dramas have been done to death, but its more of a 'no one can write this thing quite like me'.

So, there has been Heroes, and various other cack tv shows about superheroes, but no one has ever written Powerless. Not the way I am writing it. It's mine. And that is why its original.

Lets just hope its good.

Aside from Powerless I have been developing something that started off as a short film, but I think would really extend itself into an ace little character study feature. Its got the working title of Pangs at the moment and is a romance about a guy with an eating disorder and how love can transcend anything when its true.


Homeland is fucking awesome. Best new show on the box.

Luck is a little odd at the moment, finding it a little tough to get into. But liking it all the same. Well, i want to like it.

Alcatraz has started promisingly.

Walking Dead season 2 part two continues and I hope it continues to be good.

Sons of Anarchy season 4 is fecking brilliant.

Drive is one of the best films I have seen in ages and has become one of my all time faves. A little obsessed with it...

Whispers by Joshua Luna is brilliant.

Rachel Rising by Terry Moore keeps on getting more awesome with each new issue.

Scott Snyder is a God, as is Grant Morrison and Warren Ellis. Batman, Action Comics and Captain Swing are currently rocking my comic book reading world a lot.

TMNT are back and rule!

Mono and And So I Watch You From Afar and Feist fill my ears with brilliance.
