Sunday 23 September 2012

The World is my Oyster... or something along those lines...

Yep, that's your guitar from way back, Dylan.

Anyway and blimey. Lot of stuff has occured recently, mainly writing, but a lot on the work front too.

I now have a new job within the company I work for that sells books and it is very exciting to be moving on to something like this. So, yeah, cool.

A lot of people have read it, and I have had some really great feedback. Now I know that they always say that feedback from anyone other than an industry professional is worthless... and they may be right in some instances, but I have a lot of literary friends and lot of friends who are doing what I want to do, or are in exactly the same place as me and their opinion is awesome and completely important and valid. One of the main reasons why this is the case is because I don't get a 'yeah, man, its good, i like it...' I get some very thoughtful feedback, constructive, destructive and mind changing remarks. So since I last posted, saying I was done with Powerless... well I was, then I sent it to a bunch of good folks who read it and those thoughts and opinions made me go back and reasses and rewrite. It has been really helpful and has improved a lot of what I already liked into something better. Of course, some of the feedback I got was bollocks, but you ignore the bollocks.

Well, I have just finished writing an outline (just in case a five page outline is requested rather than script) and a series outline that kinda sets in place ideas for a potential six episode arc that would make a series (i'm thinking it would only need the one). This series outline is something the BBC wants went submitting material for a series. They have some awesome guidelines set in place for the newly structure submissions department they have recently put together. So Powerless will making a trip to the BBC. I'm not expecting much to be honest. What I hope is that they see potential in the writing. I'm not convinced its a BBC show, but in light of awesomeness like The Fades, there is totally an audience out there. Fuck knows why they cancelled such a great show. Then I shall be gunning for The Red Planet Prize again... fingers crossed, third time lucky...

Work will become a dominating force over the next few months as Christmas takes over the world. My new job is gonna be awesome and intense as I shall be in charge of ordering stock for five stores. I'm really excited to see how I can help and affect my cluster of shops and use the skills I have developed in store to help others.

Writing however will not fade completely away. I should be having weekends all to myself in terms of being away from work so I can focus on writing. Creating a body of work is important so I have a portfolio to showcase. So far I have a tv pilot spec, an award winning short film script I cowrote, a treatment for a feature and a whole bunch of ideas. So my plan is to get those ideas more solid. I wanna write another short that has been titled Pangs for quite sometime and I really wanna write a feature I have had in my head for fucking years. But I also have some other TV ideas that are desperate to get out of my head.

Titles of ideas (in a possible order of being tackled)
The World is my Oyster... based on a series of mental little adlib shorts i made with Dan at uni. I love it as an idea and think it could really work in a sitcom format.
Pangs... short
The Girl at the Centre of Creation... writing Powerless has helped me see this idea in a better light, and identify a better way of structuring it
Pulp Horror... feature
Darkness Rising/Violent Crimes... still in there, still thinking up new ways of go at this thing

So yeah. Busy.


Comics that rock my world... DANCER, Snyder's New52 stuff, Debris, The Creep, Rachel Rising, Fatale, Avengers Versus X-Men

Film... Dredd 3D is awesome, Avengers is awesome, Jaws on Blu is awesome, The Master will be awesome, Looper will be awesome...

Tellybox... Newsroom is the best thing on TV, dug Revolution, rocking season 4 of LOST again, The Prisoner being revisited and fuck me ace cartoons TRON Legacy, Thundercats, Regular Show (Ooooooohhhhhhhh!), Young Justice, Avengers...

Books... A Possible Life (New Faulks) is wonderful, The Lighthouse should win the Booker, Scarlet Thomas' book on writing should be THE book on writing, The Yellow Birds should be read by your face now, and I can't wait to read the new Warren Ellis, the new James Smythe

RESIDENT EVIL 6 is out next week! Whoop!
