Sunday 7 April 2013


Powerless is out there now. I have to say I am more excited by the prospect than scared. Rejection has never really been something that has concerned me when sending stuff out like this. The reason for that is, it the most likely of outcomes. Now, many will probably say that is extremely negative and dumb way to look at things, trust me, I have been hearing that a lot. I have always justified those thoughts by saying that I am prepared for the worst, so if the bad happens I am not surprised and ready for it, anything good that happens is a nice surprise. But in doing this and thinking in such a way, you begin to lose sight of what is important. Now.

Think about all those films or books where a character gets a vision of something that may happen in the far future and spends the rest of the narrative trying to warn, prevent and stop crazy bad event from happening... yeah, that's me. And what happens is that life passes you by.

What I am getting at in a rather crappy way is that I have decided to leave fear behind on such matters. Whatever happens with regards to Powerless, acceptance or rejection it can only be good. If accepted, then boom, all kinds of goodness, if rejected, then move on, leave it alone or try and fix.

So while its out there currently I have moved on. I still have a few more places in mind to send it and hopefully will get my arse in gear and to such a thing, but currently I am trying to get my head into Russia.

Russia will be, hopefully, a five part comic book story. I have a couple of places that I think will be interested so I am writing up the bits I already have committed to paper along with the bits that are floating around my head. If by some small chance an awesome illustrator who digs crazy scifi concepts an as a bit of the Brian Bolland or Mobius or David Mack about them fancies finding out what this crazy little idea I have is, then please get in touch.

So... currently writing a five page outline, then gonna try and write it as a five page 'Future Shocks' 'pilot' of sorts and then get the first chapter/issue written and then start chucking it out there.

Just need to sort out the day job now...


Currently reading what is possibly Brubaker's best thing ever Criminal Deluxe Volume 2. Awesome.

Obsessed by The 1975 and Haim.

Diving back into Halo 4 after forgetting about it...

Game of Thrones season 3 kicks arse after episode 1.

Loving Revolution... want it to be Lost but it probably won't be.

RIP Damien Wayne, you shall be missed.
