Sunday 1 June 2014

Round 3...

So I'm sitting on the sofa watching It's Always Sunny... (which I am currently obsessed by) and I am awaiting a pizza. I'm so flipping hungry.

What seems like an age ago I entered Powerless into the Red Planet Prize - an awesome competition that gives UK screenwriters a chance to show off what they are capable of. I have entered most years I think, I didn't last year for some reason... I don't think I had anything ready for it. But Powerless was ready this year. So I sent it. This is really not turning into the brilliant little post I was hoping it would, but I am so flipping hungry... basically May 30th, another crappy day at stressful soul destroying work had come to a halt and I am waiting for my other half to do whatever it is that she was doing at the time and I check my emails. I don't actually remember much of what happened next. I can't honestly say I have felt as awesome as I did that that moment. That moment I that email...


Pizza is here.
