Saturday 2 August 2014

Through the Woods


I seem to be obsessed with writing about the woods again.

Red Planet shortlist was as far as I got. No final for me. Never mind. I am incredibly grateful and lucky to have made it as far as I did. No mean feet. But as with the BBC rejection it has allowed me to refocus, re- plan and work out what was wrong with the rejected script and how I can improve. And very much like with the BBC it has allowed me to look at Powerless, as I did with The World is My Oyster and figure out a better way of telling that story. Which I will in due time. I still feel the script is in a good shape and will remain as part of my portfolio going forward until I decide to rewrite. I want to and need to focus on something new and the current obsession(s).

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Have many eggs in many baskets. Or have many baskets for many different eggs. Or... shut up. You get what I am attempting to put into words? No? Fuck it.

Have many projects on the go. It is massively important to not rest all hope on one thing. I had two things out there and I kinda left it at that, hoping that one or both would do the thing I wished for. Have many projects on the go and have many of those many projects living out there in some form of hope.

The World is My Oyster... still obsessing over this. several scenes exist, one I am very excited about rewriting and have exist within a script. Would love to see this scene moving, will be very cool. Still debating whether to illustrate it as a comic as well as sending it out into the big wide world. We shall see. But the plan going forward for August is to get a series bible sorted. I have been reading a lot about getting a series bible in place before you starting writing your pilot script. I have always taken my thoughts and notes as a series bible, so this will be the first time I actually record all that stuff and get it into a cohesive pack, if you will, containing treatment, series breakdown (2 page breakdown for each subsequent episode), and character profiles. This will then be sent out to various lucky people who have an opinion I value to read and get back to me with thoughts. there will be harassment for thoughts... Then a script will be written. A script will likely be written in bits (as is currently what is occurring with this) over the next few months in my note book.

Through the Woods... so obsessed with the woods again. Been scribbling bits and pieces over the last month about woods, forests, trees... bits of mood and atmosphere as it blows through my thoughts like the wind in Twin Peaks. Then I came across an awesome book by Emily Carroll called Through the Woods which shared beautifully what I was obsessing about. The mystery of a deep, dark wood. What is out there in the dark, underneath... Wonderful and frankly terrifying graphic novel. I whole heartedly recommend. Anyway, this woods obsession made me rifle through some old notebooks and I came across a very rough treatment that I never did anything with about loss, love, obsession, death, hopes and dreams and the woods. I think this will be a project for 2015. I think I might begin my first screenplay...
