Sunday 25 January 2015

New Year

Hello. That picture up there... I was there. I was in New York City. I was in the most awesome place I have ever been. I was really happy. I was in love. Again. I was with my love in a place that I actually fell in love with. It is a magnificent city. An amazing city. A city that is, and I know this will sound like utter shite, but it was alive. It was so alive. I don't think I have experienced anything quite like it. Amazing. And the most awesome thing about, aside from the food and the everything else, is that, despite the size of the place, you actually feel apart of it. As a tourist, I felt at home, I felt safe, I felt apart of it. It's amazing. Amazing. Awesome. The best thing I have done thus far in my life. I have to go back. WE HAVE  TO GO BACK!

Anyway... There was some inspiration that came away with me when I got the plane and headed back to this fucking country. Yeah I know its OK over here. It's OK. Over there is AWESOME. Here... OK. You see? I like McDonalds over here. I LOVE it over there. See? Inspiration. Yes! The whole going after what you want, seeing how huge everything is and how you can be apart of something if you move and go after it... seeing it... seeing how people were happy, simply because they were apart of something special. I want that. I'm gonna fucking get it. So I have begun...

So in an attempt at some sort of New Years resolution bull hang I have tried to hit the ground running with the writing and trying to move my head into a better place. A more successful and fulfilling space.

Better writing focus. A buddy of mine and I will be swapping scripts at certain key points in the year as we both strive to get together a portfolio of awesomeness.

Key scripts for me this year:
  • Girl at the Centre of Creation
  • Short film - potential feature idea
Helping me with this focus on writing is this very blog. Will attempt to get something on here once a week. And some online magazine writing. Have just landed a writing gig for The Metropolist which is very exciting. Unpaid, but very cool as it is allowing me to flex that muscle I use for writing, keeping me deadlines and keeping me on point and editing my own work nicely. Love it. Go read! I am writing stuff for the TV section, loving it.

That is all.
