Wednesday 24 March 2010

Dead Rabbits

The short film that I am working on has now entered its fourth (possibly more than that) draft, officially its the second draft and has, as of this morning been sent off to be poured over by various people who know what they are talking about. The working title of the short was Dead Rabbits for a while, and before that was known as Hide and Eat. It has a new title currently, one that is as interesting and subvertive as its themes and contents. It's a film about fatherhood, nature, masks, death, birth, smoke, blood, dogs, friends, empathy, shit, eggs, broken T.V's, scratches, copying and most importantly, its a film about love and how it can lead to your downfall. And it does all of this in just nine pages!
This has taken up a huge amountof my time at the moment, along with work, so GATCOC has fallen a little to the side, but I shall be returning to that as I have about a week away from the short. Really looking forward to some feedback on it.

Monday 15 March 2010


Occupying my brain currently...

LOST Season 6 - final season, mind blowing and there are only seven episodes left till the end. THE END. I am now very sad. Truly, very very upset by this.

Our Tragic Universe - Scarlett Thomas - The only book I have really been excited about and its not out for another couple of months and I am 100 pages into it! A perk of working in a bookstore are proofs! I have one and I am loving it. Every page. Very inspirational, has set me on my path of understanding Omega Point theory.

Caprica - Tough going, quite slow, but brilliantly written and a true grower. Not the LOST replacement I once thought though. Fuck knows why i thought that!

Fringe Season 2 - Continues to get better. Walter is an ace character!

Mad Men Season 2 - Almost at the very end of this season and its brilliant. So much better than the first season and that was brilliant too! In everyway. Season 3 is sitting on my Sky +

Buffy Season 8 - Twilight, the big bad for season 8 has been revealed. Annoyingly i kinda knew who it was, but it still shocked me. Most recent issue confused the shit out of me though. I don't know what the fuck is going on.

The Sword - Its almost at its end. Why does everything i love come to an end?

Well... not everything, just media wise. My true love continues!

The Point Of It All

Because I'm an idiot who has just had nine days off work and thought he was due into today, when in actual fact I'm not due in until tomorrow...(bloody 15 minute walk, 10 minute train journey,another ten minute walk and then do it all over again for nothing... mumble grumble)... I was up earlyenough to get my arse into gear and get some work done. Proper work, not that stuff I actually get paid for, but writing.

The last week has been ace for many a reason, but one of the best is amount of writing I have managed to get done, both physically, ala actual typing at this computer, and mentally, the amount of shit i have managed to get noted down, planned, blocked out and most importantly thought about. Its been ace, and having an extra day of it has been awesome.

I am now well into the first act of The Girl At The Centre of Creation, an idea I had a few years ago. Its developed into something pretty cool, cooler than I could have imagined at the time of coming up with it. Its still basically the same story, good versus evil, but I have been doing some research into Omega Point theory and string theory and whole bunch of crazy science theories that have set my brain running wild with story possibilities. It has given this story of good versus evil and whole new canvas to play on.

Its about a 30 year old woman who works in a book store. Her husband wants a divorce, she still loves him, this divorce has come completely out of the blue. Her boss hates her, sick of her drama and she has just been in a pretty horrendous bus crash, and just like Bruce Willis in Unbreakable, hasn't got a mark on her. That's pretty much the first act there. Its coming on nicely.

One thing that has benefitted this new script is the work I have been doing with Dan Gitsham whom I shared an eventful university experience with, whom i have worked on a few shorts at said uni with and co wrote a short called Insides. We are collaborating on a short film project that was born out of few emails back and forth shunting ideas about. The current work we are doing on this project is character and backstory and its amazing how well it has opened my brain and mademe realise that I don't really know my characters very well at all until i get to know them.I know that sounds dumb, but the amount of times i think its fine to throw myself into a script knwoing them in my head and writing a substandard script that mainly falls down on character is ridiculous. So yeah, usually i go in having met my characters, shaken hands with them and then think i can write their fucking life stories. Again, i know its obvious, but you really truely need to get to know them before you can write them. I'm usually pretty bad at all the prep work that goes into a script. i get anxious and impatient, i want to tell the story and tell it NOW! But this collaborative work Dan and I have been doing has been awesome.

Sunday 14 March 2010

The Girl At The Centre of Creation

It's strange starting up something new after using something else for so long. You get used to a certain way things work, you get used to the feel of things... but i kinda felt the need tomove away from it. Currently i have all this kinda bumf over on myspace,but i just kinda hate. Tried to jiggle it about and make it look a bit better but just ended up making it look more of a mess.So, i am gonna be using this to blog on from the time being i think.

Anyway, GATCOC is going nicely. Still developing the whole thing. The only thing really down on paper is the teaser. I am following the layouts of US drama at the moment as its what i know, and its a really cool way of setting things out. Been doing a heck of a lot of research in Omega Point which is informing and enriching the central idea of this show. Very much enjoying this. Characters too are coming together very nicely. Spent the afternoon watching Hitchcock who is a master at taking a character apart in front of your very eyes.

Also, short film work is coming along nicely, again character work is making the rest of the pieces fall into very nice places...